
Rev. Ted Haggard, gay sex scandal

Mike Jones (first pic) went on a Denver radio station and revealed that Pastor Ted Haggard of Colorado Springs had a sexual business relationship for the last three years. Jones, who calls himself an escort, says that Haggard paid him $200 per one-hour visit in cash. He says that the person he slept with called himself, “Art” and that he did not know whom it was until a few months ago when he was flipping through the channels.
Haggard admits ‘sexual immorality,’ apologizes
Evangelical leader contrite after dismissal from Colorado megachurch.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Saying that he was a “deceiver and liar” who had given in to his dark side, the Rev. Ted Haggard confessed to sexual immorality Sunday in a letter read from the pulpit of the megachurch he founded. The disgraced former president of the National Evangelical Association, which represents 30 million evangelical Christians, apologized and said “because of pride, I began deceiving those I love the most because I didn’t want to hurt or disappoint them.”

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