
Uruguay First Latin American Country To Legalize Civil Unions

Uruguay First Latin American Country To Legalize Civil Unions
Posted: November 29, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET
(Montevideo) The lower house in Uruguay's Congress passed legislation Thursday allowing same and opposite-sex couples to form civil unions.
A similar bill has already passed the Senate. The two measures need to be harmonized into a single bill and receive a final vote - something considered only a formality.
The measure is expected to become law next month.
The measure was a campaign promise of the ruling leftist coalition.
Same-sex marriage will remain illegal in Uruguay, something LGBT rights groups say they will continue to fight. But, they say the civil union bill is a major step in the right direction in a region where the Catholic Church dominates much of everyday life.
Under the legislation couples would have be together for at least five years and sign a registry. They would then receive pension, inheritance and parenting rights.
In neighboring Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul state which lies along the border, passed civil union legislation in 2004, two years after Buenos Aires passed a similar law. Civil unions also are legal in Mexico City and Coahuila state.
But this would make Uruguay the first country in Latin America to have a national civil union law.

Padre Júlio Lancelotti, hipocrisia à brasileira

O caso começou a ser investigado em agosto, quando o padre procurou a polícia para denunciar a extorsão. Inicialmente ele disse ter entregue R$ 80 mil ao acusado em três anos. Depois, a defesa do religioso admitiu que o valor pode chegar a R$ 150 mil. Para o advogado do ex-interno, Nelson Bernardo da Costa, a quantia é bem maior --entre R$ 600 mil e R$ 700 mil, em oito anos.
Na versão de Costa, o dinheiro foi dado pelo padre de "bom grado". "Ele [Lancelotti] disse que sofria constrangimentos, mas não demonstrou nenhum. Fica a pergunta: porque ele haveria de ceder com tanto dinheiro?"
Agora eu faço uma pergunta, você acredita no padre?
Particularmente essa quantia de dinheiro é muito alta, só alguém extremamente culpado e acuado faria essas "doações", mas o que mais me doi é saber que o P. Júlio é gay e não admite isto... pior ele mente pra ele próprio, para os "fiéis" e para Deus. Será que não é chegada a hora de admitirmos (principalmente as igrejas - todas) que somos todos iguais, com os mesmos direitos e que buscamos a felicidade ... Quanta hipocrisia hein P. Júlio.?..


Rev. Ted Haggard, gay sex scandal

Mike Jones (first pic) went on a Denver radio station and revealed that Pastor Ted Haggard of Colorado Springs had a sexual business relationship for the last three years. Jones, who calls himself an escort, says that Haggard paid him $200 per one-hour visit in cash. He says that the person he slept with called himself, “Art” and that he did not know whom it was until a few months ago when he was flipping through the channels.
Haggard admits ‘sexual immorality,’ apologizes
Evangelical leader contrite after dismissal from Colorado megachurch.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Saying that he was a “deceiver and liar” who had given in to his dark side, the Rev. Ted Haggard confessed to sexual immorality Sunday in a letter read from the pulpit of the megachurch he founded. The disgraced former president of the National Evangelical Association, which represents 30 million evangelical Christians, apologized and said “because of pride, I began deceiving those I love the most because I didn’t want to hurt or disappoint them.”

Sen. Larry Craig, gay sex scandal

Sen. Larry Craig, who in May told the Idaho Statesman he had never engaged in homosexual acts, was arrested less than a month later by an undercover police officer who said Craig made a sexual advance toward him in an airport men's room.
The arrest at a Minnesota airport prompted Craig to plead guilty to disorderly conduct earlier this month. His June 11 encounter with the officer was similar to an incident in a men's room in a Washington, D.C., rail station described by a Washington-area man to the Idaho Statesman. In that case, the man said he and Craig had sexual contact.
The Minnesota arrest was first reported Monday by Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper.
In an interview on May 14, Craig told the Idaho Statesman he'd never engaged in sex with a man or solicited sex with a man. The Craig interview was the culmination of a Statesman investigation that began after a blogger accused Craig of homosexual sex in October. Over five months, the Statesman examined rumors about Craig dating to his college days and his 1982 pre-emptive denial that he had sex with underage congressional pages.
The most serious finding by the Statesman was the report by a professional man with close ties to Republican officials. The 40-year-old man reported having oral sex with Craig at Washington's Union Station, probably in 2004. The Statesman also spoke with a man who said Craig made a sexual advance toward him at the University of Idaho in 1967 and a man who said Craig "cruised" him for sex in 1994 at the REI store in Boise. The Statesman also explored dozens of allegations that proved untrue, unclear or unverifiable.
Craig, 62, was elected to Congress in 1980. Should he win re-election in 2008 and complete his term, he would be the longest-serving Idahoan ever in Congress. His record includes a series of votes against gay rights and his support of a 2006 amendment to the Idaho Constitution that bars gay marriage and civil unions.

Richard Curtis , gay sex scandal

Here's the new face of hypocrisy, one of many in a sad, upsetting line: he's two-term WA-state rep. richard curtis. Twice he voted down legislation supporting gay rights.before him just recently were republicans Larry Paige (ID) and Mark Foley (FL). Then there was Ted Haggard last spring (ok, not a politician, but a prominent evangelist minister. worse). There have been others as well. how many republicans will be forced "out" of their pathetic hypocritical closets before some GOP genius says, "huh. maybe we've got this all wrong about homosexuality"?just the "scandalousness" of these public outings pisses me off, but any relish for these situations (we dems do love to see them roll in it) is quickly followed by sadness. Some posts says better than i can here why all the lying and hypocrisy is nothing more than a great tragedy (here's a sample):
Let's face it: the reason why we, as Democrats and progressives, reap political benefits from the gay Republican tragedy has nothing to do with our own actions. We're not out there stirring up anti-gay rhetoric. We don't hate gays. They do. They think the scandal is that Larry Craig is gay, or bisexual, or whatever he is. That's bullshit. The scandal is that they hate gays. The scandal is that not just that they think being gay is an option, but that they think it is a repugnant option. The scandal is that they pretend that homosexuals don't exist, when clearly they do.


Uncut - 3 - free gay pics

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Mais do mesmo...hehehehe... sempre vale a pena quando a alma nõa é pequena... Esses uncut guys....são ótimos..


Gay Hentai - Man4Man

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Hentai é um tipo de desenho semelhante aos desenho dos japoneses só que bem sexy.... é bem interessante...

Dick Cheese - Smegma - Man4Man

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Este post tem um cheirinho especial..hehehe... parece queijo francês... tem homem que diz que é melhor que viagra...

Uncut 2 - Man4Man

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Pra quem tava com saudades um pouco mais da galera uncut...
Ps. mande sua foto...


Sports - Bom D+

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Realmente temos que mudar nossos conceitos, atualizar um pouco mais, afinal praticar esporte pode ser bem agradável e gostoso...


Young Gay

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Quando foi que eu me tornei gay?? Acho que já nasci assim, mas enquanto os outros discutem a questão que tal dar uma olhada nesses novos amigos da turma?
Ps. Todos tem mais de 18 anos


Tied Up - Vc quer ser amarrado?

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Dizem que é uma tesão incrível, você fica amarrado totalmente entregue ao seu homem e ele pode te bater, beijar, comer, chupar, lamber, mijar e muitas outras coisas legais... hehehe...

Spank - Mas como vc é ordinário...!!!!

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Por que você está me olhando com essa cara de moleque safado? Vem cá que vou te dar um lição...



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Uncut é isso aí, o pinto tem aquela pele sobrando que insiste em cobrir a cabeça do penis e as vezes sobra um bocado. Dizem que dá uma otima sensação e que se o cara não limpar direito fica parecendo um queijinho... hummmm mas esta delicia é pra outro post... hehehe.


WaterSports - Banho Dourado

click on small pics to see full album Essas fotos são bem interessantes, são de caras legais que gostam de sentir a "urina"... isso mesmo o "xixi"... pode ser na propria roupa, na cara ou corpo dos outros, ou simplesmente ver alguém mijando e sentir prazer nisto.

OMG - Pra que isto?

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O que é um desejo ou uma fantasia? Você gostaria de contar sua história? É só mandar que eu publico...Você já fez algo parecido? Ou teve aquela vontade mas na hora "h" amarelou? Ou foi até o fim? Afinal quem não gosta de uma fantasia ou fetiche, fazer algo realmente diferente que te deixe loucamente excitado?...

Huge Dicks - Pau pra toda obra

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Tamanho é Documento? Ou é bom somente para os olhos? Será que dá pra fazer amor gostoso? Sexo tem tamanho? Quero ver seus comentários... Sexo me interessa muito, antes, durante e depois... TNB (tapa na bunda)pra todos...


Men, Homens, Gatos e outros animais

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O mundo está cada vez melhor com muita gente bonita por dentro e por fora, afinal a beleza também tem dois lados. Os direitos dos Gays surgem em todas as partes do mundo e o amor floresce.... até entre famosos...

Dick, Pintos, Paus and others


Click on small pics to see full album Mais do mesmo... hehehehe será que é montagem???

Chub Party - Festa Bacana

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E aí gente o que vocês acham desta festa? Particularmente eu adoro, acho que cada um na sua (todo mundo merece ser feliz) e bem que podia rolar umas festas dessas por aqui... mas quero saber a opnião de vocês...